Aims and Scope
JKIEES is an official journal of the Korean Institute of Electromagnetic and Science. The objective of JKIEES is to publish academic and industrial research results on electromagnetic engineering and science. In particular, EMI/EMC, microwave and millimeter-wave engineering, antennas and propagation, electromagnetic theory, wireless communication, lightwave and electro-optics, materials and components, SDR, radar, and bioelectromagnetics are in the scope of the Journal. With the Journal researches on electromagnetic wave-related engineering and science will be nourished and ultimately contributed to improve the welfare of the human race and national development.
- Active Circuit
- Antenna
- Electromagnetic Theory/Numerical Analysis
- EMF/Bio
- Passive Circuit
- Policy of Radio/Broadcasting/Communication
- Quantum new materials etc) Emerging RF Technologies(AI Quantum new materials)
- Radar/Signal Processing
- Wave Propagation/Wave Measurement
- Wireless Communication/Sensing System
- Wireless Power Transfer